News & Events


Visit Messiah's Jr. Kdgn and Kindergarten classroom and meet the teacher, Miss Terri. Excellent Kindergarten curriculum, full day
child care (with no busing!),
afternoon enrichment, huge
outdoor playground and much,
much more!!
Messiah's 4 year old program has openings for the 2022-23 school year.
There are still openings in our 3 year old and limited openings in our Kindergarten programs.
Miss Pat's Kid's Dance Express Registration Form
Thanks to Miss Pat for the wonderful 2021- 2022 classes for Miss Terri's, Miss Cindy's and Miss Suzanne's rooms. The P'Nut Cracker at Christmas and the end of the year recital in May were AWESOME!! Watch for 2022-23 registration forms in August or at our August Open House.
Messiah Lutheran Child Care Center
June/July/August 2022
– Important Dates-
13 – First day of Summer Programs
22 – Park Ridge Librarians Visit Messiah
30 – Field Trip for Day Campers: Mountain View Miniature Golf (10am-12pm)
11 –Manna Orders Due by 9am
12 – All School Field Trip: Splash Pad in Des Plaines (10am-12pm)
14 – Manna Orders Distributed
20 - Tentative date for Wildwood Nature Center-’on-campus’ field trip for preschoolers
25 – Fall Tuition Bills Due (Late by Thursday, July 28th - 10am)
26 – Park Ridge Librarians Visit Messiah
27 - Tentative date for Wildwood Nature Center-’on-campus’ field trip for day campers
5 - All School Field Trip: Splash Pad in Des Plaines (10am-12pm)
12 – Last Day of Summer Program

Class openings
There are currently openings in our Kindergarten class and in our 3 and 4 year old classes for our 2022-2023 school year.
Registration and tuition forms 2022-2023 Pre-school and Kindergarten programs are available by clicking HERE . Evening tours of the school are available. Wait lists have been started for any filled class. Please call 847.825.3767 to schedule an evening tour of the
school or to receive further registration information.
Registration and tuition forms for 2022-2023 can be found on our Registration and Tuition Form page.
Quick links to 2022 Summer Calendars:

one of our playgrounds